A Horcrux is a powerful object in which a Dark wizard or witch has hidden a fragment of his or her soul for the purpose of attaining immortality. In The Half-Blood Prince, you learn of it through Tom Riddle's discussion with Professor Slughorn. Taking a page from Tom's diary, er playbook, Paramount has seen fit to split up the bonus features for the upcoming Blu-Ray release of Star Trek Into Darkness several times for the sake of making every retailer feel special and attain financial immortality in the process. A supreme act of evil indeed. Of course, us fans (who cares about them after all) now need to make a choice as to what version we should own. You have the standard 2D and 3D Blu-Ray release available on amazon (which I pre-ordered long ago, getting a free digital comic out of it!), but they also have an exclusive phaser gift set. Best Buy has exclusive streaming content from CinemaNow. Walmart has a Steelbook edition (and a USS Vengeance toy). Target has an additional 30 minutes of BTS footage. And to top it all off, iTunes is the ONLY PLACE to get the audio commentary! From what I understand, the Blu-Rays should come with a digital download code which will include the exclusive commentary, but this still limits where you can view the commentary if you don't, for example, have Apple TV.
I know, Spock, I know... |
Is this ridiculous to anyone else? There have been exclusive editions before, but I don't feel it has been done to this magnitude. Sorry, but I'm not buying every edition of this movie. Maybe I can convince my friends to go out and buy the different releases and then I can go to one house for the Target features, another house for the CinemaNow content, another to look at the toys...you get the idea. It's just unfortunate that this experiment had to be done to a Trek movie. I was really looking forward to learning much more about Into Darkness, instead I have to be okay with a horcrux with superb A/V quality. For those wanting me to say that this is the reason that the movie has no soul...sorry, I'm not in that camp! It is the soul within the movie, i.e. the looks inside the film, that is split up and incomplete! Now I will need to resort to witchcraft and wizardry (YouTube) to get the whole story...thanks Paramount for making me do it this way.
Read more here: http://www.thedigitalbits.com/columns/my-two-cents/082813_1415
Cool, but not...80 dollars cool. |
-Starbase 133